

Consorzio Innovazione Frutta fornisce attraverso questo sito internet un servizio di informazione e comunicazione. L'accesso e la navigazione nel sito costituiscono accettazione incondizionata dei termini e delle condizioni qui riportate, nonché tutte le leggi o regolamenti applicabili al presente sito, devono considerarsi applicabili a tutti gli utenti dello stesso.


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Fruit Innovation Consortium provides through this website information and communication. Accessing and browsing the site constitutes unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations applicable to this Web site, are applicable to all users of the same.


All content and images on this site are protected by copyright and their use is allowed only in accordance with these terms and conditions or the prior written consent of Innovation Consortium fruit. It is allowed to download the material contained on this site exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes, as long as you keep the information relating to the intellectual property of the downloaded material. It is not permitted to distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, publish on the web or use in any way the content of this site for public or commercial purposes without the written permission of Innovation Consortium fruit.

The Consortium uses Fruit Innovation ordinary diligence to include only information on this site accurate and up-to-date. In any case, Fruit Innovation Consortium makes no warranty as to the accuracy and timeliness of the material contained in this website assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions relating thereto. The user who wishes to proceed with the purchase of the products highlighted must ensure the nature of the products and of the suitability for use concrete that it intends to carry out.

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Fruit Innovation Consortium assumes no responsibility for the contents of other sites that you can access from your site through links. The link contained on other sites or pages of other sites is carried out under the responsibility of the user and owner thereof, without any authorization from the Innovation Consortium fruit.

Fruit Innovation Consortium reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions. The user shall be obliged to comply with the terms and conditions published at the time of your access to the site.



Consorzio Innovazione Frutta, pur assicurando il massimo impegno al fine di garantire la correttezza e la completezza delle informazioni fornite attraverso questo sito Web, non si assume alcuna responsabilità in ordine ad eventuali errori inesattezze ed omissioni.

Di conseguenza lo Studio non si assume la responsabilità per danni di qualsiasi natura che possano eventualmente derivare dall’accesso al suddetto sito web e dall’utilizzo delle informazioni da esso fornite.

Questo sito non rappresenta una testata giornalistica e viene aggiornato senza periodicità predefinita, esclusivamente sulla base della disponibilità del materiale. Pertanto non è un prodotto editoriale sottoposto alla disciplina di cui all’art. 1, c. III, L. 62/2001.



Progetto Grafico Creazione Sito

ideazione grafica, progetto coordinato, editing foto, html, animazioni js, implementazioni php e ottimizzazione per motori di ricerca





E-mail: lovatti@cif.tn.it



Graphic projects and Site construction

Graphic idea, Graphic project, photo editing, html, js animation, SEO and implementation





E-mail: lovatti@cif.tn.it

About Us

CIF (Innovation Fruit Consortium) is a Ltd company founded in 2008. The company was created to develop new fruit varieties obtained by...

APPLE Projects

CIF develops and promotes new varieties of Apple trees that are formed by different breeding programs. The main project in...

BERRIES Projects

The CIF has in its social base Sant'Orsola, the main Italian organization of production of berries. Sant'Orsola is engaged in...

Articolo fruitimprese.jpg
Import-export, declining surplus in the first half
Disclosed Fruitimprese data for the first half of 2015 on the progress of the import-export business that offer the opportunity to ... (IT lang)
Articolo Censis Made in Italy
CENSIS: Italian food, and new trends
The Censis Foundation, for the Italy Pavilion, recorded and analyzed the unique relationship between (IT lang) ...
in_mela Facebook Articolo Sant'Orsola
Visit Our Facebook Account
We receive and share with you the beautiful images that www.territori.coop.it's friends took in Trentino!
cif raccolta 2015 Golden Delicius
Visit Our Twitter Account
Golden Delicious harvest time #trentino


XIV edizione - 14-18 Giugno, Bologna

eucarpia 2015

CIF is one of the Main sponsors of EUCARPIA 2015-June 18 14 Bologna in 2015 is now in its fourteenth edition.

International Eucarpia Symposium fruit breeding and genetics – 14-18 June 2015 to Bologna section Eucarpia fruit and the University of Bologna are pleased to announce that it will take place on 14-18 June 2015. (Only Italian Language News)

Eventi Cif

New Partnership between Fruture e CIF

Sustainable growth

Collaborazione tra Fruture e CIF

Lubera companies/Fruture GmbH based in Felben (CH) and the Fruit Innovation Consortium (C.I.F) based in Trento have agreed a multi-year strategic partnership.

Such collaboration, about the varieties of white-fleshed Apple, will mean for the CIF receive information about new selections that are located in the search fields in Switzerland.

IFORED: Develop Red-Flesh Apple Varieties

Global partnership

Varietà Mela a polpa rossa

Twelve leading fruit marketers from five continents are joining forces to perfect red-flesh apples and bring the exciting new varieties to market within five years.

IFORED will immediately begin developing a promising set of varieties created during the past 20 years by...

Texture genes identified By FEM

SIGA award to FEM

premio SIGA alla FEM

The study of genes responsible for "texture" will accelerate the selection of crunchy variety.

"This recognition – stresses Roberto Viola, Director of the research and Innovation Centre – testifies to the quality of scientific research" post-genomic "carried out in the laboratories of St. Michael. Having decoded the genome of the ...

Cif-Trentino Consorzio innovazione frutta